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Traditional holiday home Trikala

To forget one's ancestors

is to be a brook

without a source,

a tree without a root.


Chinese proverb

Our Story

Casting great attention to maintaining its original character and style,

we transformed our dearest grandpa Delicostas' house into an elegant home away from home, that was perfected with supreme materials as well as high-quality, fine furniture to provide valued guest experiences.


Delicostas was actually grandpa's nickname, meaning "bold" or "dashing". His name was Costas Papaioannou and was married to grandma Constantinia - she was actually bolder, but that's another story. :) 

Grandma's nickname was Delicostena (i.e. Delicostas' wife). 


Nicknames were created by the residents of our village, Paleomonastiro. They usually have a good intention: to emphasize personality traits, particularities of origin or individual characteristics.


Still nowadays it is almost impossible to use a real name to refer to a specific person of our village. It's much easier to use his or her nickname intead!

Casa Delicosta is now run by Delicostas' beloved granddaughter, Konstantina. 

Vintage vacation house in Trikala
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Casa Delicosta

Paleomonastiro, 42032, Trikala, Greece

Holiday home in Greece | Vacation house for rent near Meteora, Trikala

AMA 00002423633, 00002423654

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